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Position:Home>History> How fair was the Treaty of Versailles?

Question: How fair was the Treaty of Versailles!?
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Well, it depends on what country you ask!.!.!. Britain and France would say that it was totally fair, but Germany!.!.!. not so much!. Personally, I dont think of the Treaty of Versailles, in terms of fairness, since obviously life isnt fair!. Basically I think of it as smart or not smart!. And this Treaty was definitely not smart!.!.!. By making Germany pay other countries for war losses and damages, we severely hurt their economy!. And by making them accept blame, we made them angry and vengeful!. And these things, economic crisis and anger at other countries, were major contributing factors to the second World War, and the halocast!. With that Treaty we pretty much set Germany up for another war!. So no, not smart and not really fair!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that at the time the Treaty of Versailles was believed to be fair, although to a large degree it was emotionally driven!. I don't believe they thought about the future consequences of the steep and costly and in a lot of cases impossibly high war reparations that they enforced on the losing side, mostly Germany!. They also didn't consider the reactions of future generations to these harsh decisions nor to the degree that they would fight against them in coming years!. Basically, 25 years after the end of WW1 you have a whole new generation of people who work, pay taxes, vote etc, however this same generation is now being excessively taxed by the government to fund these war reparations!. So the majority of these people weren't even alive when WW1 was fought, and definitely didn't participate in it!. This produced a climate of unrest and dissatisfaction among the majority of Germans!. Their taxes were high and wages were low and they blamed the west for their current standard of living!. So along comes Hitler, he wasn't so much as clever or a brilliant leader, but what he did do well was pick up on the mood of the country and play up to this, he listened to what they wanted changed and promised he could do it!. The political climate was such, that he said what they wanted to hear and they were so desperate to raise their standards of living that someone like him could rise to power!. He used their fears to achieve his own evil goals!. had the Treaty of versailles been fairer, and the following generations after WW1 not been subjected to these harsh reparations, many believe that a whole different political climate would have existed in Germany preWW2!. They also believe that within this different climate someone like Hitler would not have gained power, had this generation been satisfied they wouldn't have strived for such major social and political changes that they did which led to the atrocities of WW2!. I'm pretty sure most current historical books are all saying the same now, isn't retrospect a great thing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That treaty was totally unfair it wasn't all Germany's fault many countries made stupid decision before and during the warWww@QuestionHome@Com

It depends on who you ask!.Www@QuestionHome@Com