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Position:Home>History> To obtain the benefits of the more highly industrialized western nations, USSR a

Question: To obtain the benefits of the more highly industrialized western nations, USSR abandoned Communism- in Details
(pertaining to questions before)Was Marx wrong!? Establish a thesis and use Marx's theory to prove your position!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The USSR abandoned Communism because it's economy could no longer support it's vast military and the needs of the people!. The US with it's vast economic resources was able to create the Soviet economy to collapse!. The Soviets couldn't keep up it's military spending while at the same time feed, clothe, shelter and care medically of it's people!. Remember, the government controlled all the farms, distribution networks, hospitals and housing - but it had no means to generate revenue!.

Marx was wrong for one simple reason!. Marx was quick to point out the faults of government and the needs of the collective community but like many enlightenment period thinkers he forgot one important thing!. The needs, wants and basic human nature of people!. When one person realizes working hard had no real benefit for one's own life - why bother!. If a person doesn't need to work, why work!. If I work hard and the person next to me doesn't, yet has the same apartment, eats the same food and makes the same money - why should I work hard!.

It's the fundamental flaw for so many 19th century thinkers!. Marx wasn't the only one who fell into this trap!. Capitalism works because it's caters to the basic wants and needs of human beings!. The equation of hard work equally some sort of "benefit" is generally going to produce a more advance society!.

It's no coincidence that the successful parts of Soviet industry (primarily the military) corresponds with people who lived the best!. The better they did - the better they lived!. Factory workers in an military jet factory lived better then one in the bread factory!. First of all, the one who did better in school is going to the jet factory!. There was a carrot for production!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Marx was wrong, the proletariat does not seek to overrthrow their masters, they seek to emulate them!. Read some Thorstein Veblen!Www@QuestionHome@Com