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Question: If the South had one!?
the Civil War do you think things would be much different nowWww@QuestionHome@Com

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There is an excellent set of books out there, I forget the name of them unfortunately, that is set on that basis!. One of the largest concepts it brings up is the fighting of the first world war!. In 1917, America entered the fight and deployed to Europe!. What would have happened if America had an enemy on it's own soil!? Would the South had joined forces with Germany!? Very cool concept!.

What would have been different in today's society however, one cannot really say!. I highly doubt things would have been allowed to be maintained the way they would have wanted it!. There will always be racism!. But I doubt today would be any different!. The 60's and 70's was a pivotal point in rights and freedoms!. The outcome of a war 100 years prior would have very little impact to that time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There would be fewer people on Yahoo Answers extolling the virtues of Slavery and arguing that it was horrible that the Union Won!!
Actually the majority of Americans were looking Westward and were so thoroughly sick of the Slavery issue that they would have gladly let the South secede had it not been for Abraham Lincoln insisting that the Union must be Preserved!.
That said the South could not have won, but there likely would have been a Peace Settlement had McClellan taken the Presidency in 1864, confirming the status of the Confederate States as a separate Sovereign Nation!. Then what!?
I would argue that eventually Texas would have dominated, the most value in the South was the Mississippi River and New Orleans and the State of Texas!. Left on their own and having fought a war to preserve Slavery, the South would have continued to slide into economic stagnation!. The border with the Union would have become a vast No Man's Land, a scorched Earth belt from a thousand to ten thousand yards wide!. Landmines would have been developed and Liberally sown to prevent Slaves from escaping and irony of irony vast amounts of barbwire would have been purchased from Pennsylvanian Manufactures to further close the border!.
Most likely Slavery would have continued on well into the 20th Century!. It is not hard to conceive of the CS of A supporting Hitler during World War Two!.
As stated, Texas would have become the dominant State the more so when oil became King and Texas Oil a valued commodity!. Another likely scenario would be for Texas to lead the charge to capture the oil regions of Mexico right around the turn of the 20th Century!.
Yes things would be quite different today with the bitter legacy of Slavery continuing on deep into the 20th Century!.


Won you mean!? Speaking as a Southerner, there would have been re-unification by 1900!. The country would still have fought the Spanish American war, WW1 and WW2 and there would be very little difference that what it is now, except the country would probably be a lot more conservative and probably segregated, with a small but very influential wealthy white and wealthy black class controlling both segments of society!. I say that we would still have been in those wars because neither the South, nor the North would have tolerated European influence in North America!. Likewise, trade with Europe would have sucked us into the world wars!. Cuba and Puerto Rico as well as portions of Mexico might be States!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Guns of the South by Turtledove involves a plot device of time travellers effecting the outcome of the war!. a more realistic treatment is Turtledove's book "How Few Remain!." this is set 20 years after the Civil War, and carries on in following books all the way to 1945!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

For which ones the Blacks or Whites- the Nation would have ended up like South Africa!. There would have been a lot of revolt and killing and nothing can thrive for long in that kind of turmoil!. By the time the Civil War occurred Whites had intermingled with Blacks and there were too many mixed people involved!. I am telling you it would have been 200 more years of pure disaster!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

check out Harry Turtledove's writings!. He wrote a series of books positing that the South won the war!. Very interesting and thought provoking!.
One of the books in the series is called "The Guns of the South!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Absolutely! It would be horrible down here!. The North put the South in check, so without the Civil War who knows how bad things would have gotten!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Most definitely!

Racism would be a lot more prominent for one, though slavery might have died out over time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not only had the South one, but they actually had two!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

WON, not one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com