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Position:Home>History> EUROPE topic HELP: 1850-present?

Question: EUROPE topic HELP: 1850-present!?
What's the most interesting thing to write about (very narrow topic) in European history from 1850 to the present!? I was thinking something to do with the treaty of versailles, but it would have to be a lot narrower (10 page essay)!. it should be on some aspect of a major event or government policy or person!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Soviet Russia is a very interesting topic; write about the February and October revolutions, and then if you have space write about their civil war!.

You can always do the Romanov family (specifically Nicholas II, his wife, his daughters, and his son); you can get ten pages easily just by debunking myths, discussing Nicholas's general ill-suitedness to being tsar, and talking about hemophilia in European royal families!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It all depends on if you want social/cultural/political/military aspects!.

There's the unification of Germany (which one you write on is up to you) and the effects this had in Europe as a whole!.

The continuing industrialization of European countries and the effects this had on the countryside and urban centers!.

Various imperialistic ventures!. Could talk about how without the development of quinine Africa was considered the 'white mans grave' for a reason!. But that once effective qunine prophylaxis treatment was developed Africa in very short order was carved up!.

Lots of wars to choose from, doesn't necessarily have to be a big one!. The Crimean war, Boer war, first Balkan war etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


The Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)!. Very interesting - called a "dress rehearsal" for WWII!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

try the Great Exhibition at the Crystal Palace - 19th century Britain!.Www@QuestionHome@Com