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Position:Home>History> Need help finding out this person's name?

Question: Need help finding out this person's name!?
He was one of the founders of anarchism, jailed 18 years behind a Russian prison!.

Famous quote, "Give me 1,000 tzars over 1 Karl Marx!"

I think his first name was Nikolas or Nickolai!?

Maybe Mikhail, I'm not sure (because there are two Mikhail both anarchists!.)

Anyways, 10 points to anyone who can help me =D!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I believe you refer to Mikhail Bakunin, but not certain!.


Mikhail GorbechovWww@QuestionHome@Com

Was he an anarchist !? Than he was a mad one!.
1000 czars are not 1000 automobils, but that much despots!.Www@QuestionHome@Com