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Position:Home>History> Can you say when the Golden Age of Piracy took place?

Question: Can you say when the Golden Age of Piracy took place!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Piracy has been about from about 1300BC, and started in the Mediterranean!. It seems to have been well established in Western Europe in the middle ages, but, it seems to have flouriest / been Most successfully in the 18th century, between 1700 - 1730/40, until the British Navy, (who ruled the waves), dealt with them / saw them off, one-by-one!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It lasted approximately 100 years, starting around the mid-1500's with Francis Drake and ending with Henry Morgan towards the end of the 17th century!. Of course there were other less famous pirates before and after them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com