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Position:Home>History> Do you find it paradoxical?

Question: Do you find it paradoxical!?
The UK and Russia were allies in three biggest wars - Napoleonic, WWI, WWII, but always have "difficulties" with each other in between!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Mostly, I think, because Russia, as the biggest country in the world and undeniably one with a lot of power, can help the UK in war!. Between that it becomes sort of like a "dog-eat-dog" thing between the two of them!. The UK, arguably small, is still a prominent country!.

But I do agree!. It is kind of funny once you put it like that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Russia has always had an uneasy relationship with most of Europe!. It doesn't help that the country is massive and straddles both Asia and Europe, frequently images of huns or mongols were conjured up to describe the 'asiatic' hordes coming out of Russia!.

There is also the added problem of Russian 'backwardness'!. Even a number of Tsars (and commisars) complained of how backwards their country was and sought to modernize on a western model!.

Plus, more than anything else the UK has been interested in a 'balance of power' and not allowing any other European power to gain hegemony whether in continental Europe or anywhere else that they have a vested interest!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Allies as it served best interest for both countries!. However, there are basic differences for almost everything ranging from economy, politics, religion, and everything else!. Communism was the fuel for conflict for almost 100 years!. Russia expansionism was a major reason for concern for all western countries for many many years!. Not for nothing Russia is the BIGGEST country in the whole world!. Russian Wars were fought against almost any old empire including Ottoman, Prussian, Swedish, Flemish, British, French, Danish etc!.
They even kept for themselves the Countries "liberated" from the Nazis, making it the the only country involved in WWII that actually won!.
Russia has always been the world Bully!. Naturally conflict arises every now and then!. They are now a bit bruised, having a bit hard time adapting to capitalism, but beware, just wait a bit, when they feel strong, Russian Bear will roar again!.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend!. Additionally, the UK has always held to this dictum:

"England has no permanent allies, and no permanent enemies, only permanent interests!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, I believe there was a quote (I can't remember who from) that goes - "War and politics make strange bedfellows!." Guess that about tells the story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com