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Position:Home>History> Following the crowd disasters?

Question: Following the crowd disasters!?
What are some times in history when indecision or following the crowd (people not making up their own minds) led to disaster or bad outcomes!.

I'd call the Nazi regime an example , but maybe not, and either way: looking for more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Witch hunts!. The "crowd" in many cases knew the victims!. yet they allowed intimidation and fear, and greed let them stand by, or even encourage the hunting out of, torture, and murder of thousands of people over centuries!.
Spanish-American War!. It wasn't a disaster, at least from the US viewpoint, but it certainly wasn't a neccasary war!. It was explicitly pushed by journalists and the American public was content to go along!.
Similiar to the witch hunts of the late middle ages!. The Satanic cults scares of the 1980s!. Absurd charges of child abuse were made against many people, and backed by
"eyewitness testimony" from children who were questioned in such a way as to elicit an accusation!. The fact is that no real proof of child abuse was found, no satanic conspiracies, yet dozens of people found their lives ruined financially or worse by the unfounded accusations!.
To an extent you can also look at the stock market crash of 1929!. This was caused by excessive speculation, and people "following the crowd" hoping for a big payoff for a minimal investment!. Eventually the whole thing collapsed, and the entire world knocked into Depression!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When does this situation NOT lead to bad outcomes!?

In terms of the Nazi regime, Hitler brutalized and scared some of his own people into the party!. Others thought of him as a way to get their old lives back (economically and socially) after World War I and the depression threw Germany through the ringer!. They wanted better lives and to some extent Hitler provided order an a stable economy!. However, fear of and (for some people) psychotic devotion to the Nazis kept the German people supporting him to the end!.

You may also take Ho Chi Minh's rule of the Vietnamese people as a similar example!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1) Egyptians- Pharohs and Queens always married in there own family!. ewwww
2) When I was in high school everyone thought it was cool to sleep with the same gender!. Now everyone is hooked on drugs or hiv positive(and spreading it)
I think someone turned the lights off!.Www@QuestionHome@Com