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Position:Home>History> Can you start your own country by a Secession?

Question: Can you start your own country by a Secession!?
in my social studies class the class was dicussing about this one man in 20 century england who wanted to withdraw from the England by getting unhabited forests to develop his country of course it didnt work but if something like that happened now can it work like for example someone wanted to withdraw swamp lands where no body lived to start his own country what would he have to do get his country recognized, then start to devlop his country be by people moving in!. what would you have to do in a situation like this and would it work!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The U!.S!. Constitution makes no mention about secession!. Any right not specifically delegated to the federal government is reserved for the states or the people!. It is interesting to note that New York, Virginia, and Rhode Island included sections that reserved the right to withdraw from the Union in their documents ratifying the federal constitution!.

Your swamp land secession is not viable since it proposes nationhood for unpopulated land!. The typical sequence of events is for an area to be populated, then develop a commercial infrastructure, and finally the introduction of some form of government that provides those services, such as defense, that cannot be efficiently conducted by individuals or commercial enterprises!.

The closest the U!.S!. has ever come to allowing secession was the admission of West Virginia in 1863, when the western counties of the state of Virginia were recognized as the legitimate government of a state that was in rebellion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You would be arrested, tried, and convicted, of lunacy if nothing else!.

No state, most certainly including the US, allows its sovereignty to be challenged!. The southern states tried that, remember, when it was arguable that seccession might be consistent with constitutional law!. That is no longer an option!.

Episodic attempts to claim to be a state are made from minuscule pieces of islands!. They never pass the giggle test!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

For a country to exist, it must have the co-operation of any other country that has an interest in that country!. At it's inception and at any time later!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes,if you have an army strong enough to defend your new country against the old country!.Www@QuestionHome@Com