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Question: Ren fair help!?
I've begged my parents to take me to the KY Highland Renaissance Festival, and I think they may take me!. The only problem is I know I could never convince them to wear garb (I plan on wearing it)!. Are there usually a lot of people not in costume at ren fairs!? What is usually the general reaction to those not in costume!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Ren Fairs I have gone to have about a 50/50 mix of garb to not!. I am in the SCA so I always go in garb, but lots of people don't have Medieval clothes laying around the house!. Going in garb is just more fun!. But remember to dress for the weather! That is always important, wear cotton or linen in the heat and wools in the cold!.

Lots of people also went in semi-garb!. Like some people came as fairies or elves!. Some even came as Star Wars charecters - no joke they said it fit because the movies were set in long, long ago in a galaxy far, far away!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Those of us who work (or, in my case, HAVE worked) at RenFaires do not expect those of you who actually buy tickets to come costumed!. It is a great deal of fun if you do, but it is certainly not expected!. Shorts, sunglasses and Sunblock are just fine with us!. Always stay hydrated!.

We call you costumed non-participants (not unaffectionately) "turkeys"!. As in For Display Only!.

Strut around! Show off! Wear that Feather mask that you bought on EBay! We love it!

Advice: go as a Tourist (shorts, hat, sunglasses, and Sunblock) and snigger quietly at the Turkeys!.

As we do!.

EDIT: reading the above before posting, I realized it came off as rather snarky and supercilious!. Let me amend that!.

RenFaire types are uniformly accepting and generous!. I oughtta know!. In my first foray at costuming myself for RenFaire (1969), I wore my sister's Peasant Blouse and a pair of ratty old corduroys!. I was acceped in to the Fold immediately!. It helped that in 1969, pretty much everybody was stoned to the gills, but that is a story for another day!.

Wear what you want!. RenFaire is about acceptance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You could dress as Stimpy, but I guess at a Ren fair you would be in for a lot of insults and slapping!. If you don't like being called a "fat bloated stinking idiot" in a really cheesy Mexican accent, may I suggest going as Powdered Toast Man ("Leave everything to me!"),but the tights may not be a good look for you!.

Quick and easy-get a suitcase full of baby bottle nipples and go a s a rubber nipple salesman!.

PS appologies to Nickleodeon!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ive been going to fair for 10 yrs i love to go in garb i find its more fun the characters tend to interact with you some more and you can create your own personia!. but if this is your first time no garb can be excused just have fun!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

MOST of the people who attend renn faire don't dress in garb!. I worked renn faire in CA for 15 years!. Go to faire, have a great day, enjoy yourselves!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I worked at the Sterling Forest Ren faire in NY and most people didn't dress up!.

Those who did usually looked awesome!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

most visitors usually don'tWww@QuestionHome@Com