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Position:Home>History> Fear of Insurrection?

Question: Fear of Insurrection!?
i dont understand it!.

heres the link: http://www!.unl!.edu/Price/dickinson/analo!.!.!.

does anyone understand!? if so, please explain!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'm not exactly sure I understand the question, but here's my attempt:

Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl was written by a woman who had grown up as a slave!. There were many slave narratives but this is one of the best known!. In this particular chapter, Jacobs wrote about the reactions of her own community to the Nat Turner uprising!. (Here's a brief summary of Turner's rebellion: http://civilwar!.bluegrass!.net/secessionc!.!.!. )

It was a pretty common idea in the 18th/19th centuries that rebellion was contagious!. This was why, for example, during and after the French Revolution France was constantly at war!. The whites in Jacobs' community seem to have been afraid that the Turner uprising would give other slaves the idea to rebel!. So, the local whites had another militia muster (again fairly common at the time) and searched the homes of slaves and free blacks!. In the course of the search, nice belongings were stolen and sometimes the people were taken and executed or tortured!. Most blacks were afraid of even talking to each other for fear of being accused of conspiring together!.

In the end, even the church the slaves had for themselves was closed and they had to go to church with whites!. Jacobs uses irony when she points out that "meek and lowly Jesus" had instituted communion as a show of the brotherhood of all Christians, when whites and blacks took communion separately!.Www@QuestionHome@Com