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Position:Home>History> What was the importance of the space race between the US and Soviet Union?

Question: What was the importance of the space race between the US and Soviet Union!?
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This race really pushed both countries into space, if they had not been competing, we would not have gotten into space as fast as we did!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

One thing every person on the planet has in common is the night sky!. Whether they are Catholic, Hindu, Communist, Spanish - speaking, French, atheist, or "free," all human beings are drawn towards the stars, rhe sun, and the moon!. The space race was important, because it was a contest to win the night sky!. For example, a Nicaraguan [several thousands of miles from Russia or America] still looks in awe at the sunset or the full moon!. Can you imagine the psychological effects of the Soviet flag being planted on the moon!? Or the thought of Russian cosmonauts driving on the moon!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Space Race was important to U!.S history because of the significance of the battle between democratic society and totalitarian communism, because it brought an end to the Cold War, and because it led into further joint ventures between the United States and the Soviet Union (now Russia), including the first space station!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Soviet Union's economy was trashed!. The US had the money to spare on the space race (they had been little effected by both World Wars), and the Soviets!.!.!. didn't!.

It was also an ego thing!. America saw themselves as better than Those Dirty Commies In Russia; that's why there was a bit of a panic when Sputnik went up!. OH NO, THE COMMIES BEAT US!Www@QuestionHome@Com

At the time, it was an ego thing!. Neither side would stop funneling money into space because they refused to lose any ground to the other!. Eventually, though, were it not for the space race, we wouldn't have satellites (including satellite TV, communications, radio, GPS, radar, etc)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com