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Position:Home>History> Can you please explain a few things about the Freedom Riders to me?

Question: Can you please explain a few things about the Freedom Riders to me!?
what brought the leaders into the event!?
what did the movement contribute!?
what were the effects of the movement!?
how did american people respond to the movement!?

I would really appreciate if you could answer one or more of these questions!. I know that there prrety difficult, but if you have time, please help me!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i believe that the Freedom riders were organized by the SNCC, the student non-violence coordinating committee!. black and white students rode buses into the most racially segregated parts of the deep south in order to show a spirit of civil disobedience!. they rode to montgomery, mississippi, and birmingham, i believe!. in those cities they were attacked brutally and when the news was broadcasted, americans began to feel ashamed of the deep racial hatred!.Www@QuestionHome@Com