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Position:Home>History> In what way did the borders drawn in Africa create problems within the new natio

Question: In what way did the borders drawn in Africa create problems within the new nations!?
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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
When African borders were drawn up by European Colonial powers, they were done so without regard to the tribal, ethnic, or religious backgrounds of the people being put into the new political divisions!. So you had people who shared a language or culture who found themselves split up, or lumped together with a competing tribe or group!. Worse, it was common practice for the colonial power to invest a minority group in the new country with disproportionate power and privilege, in exchange for the minority helping to control the larger ethnic group!. This would lead to resentment and worse, as the minority enjoyed their status at the cost of "holding down" the majority!. Once the colonial powers began to pull out, it was natural for the majority groups to strike back, setting off civil wars, ethnic cleansing, and widespread creation of refugees fleeing one problem spot after another!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

also do not forget that (1) the boundaries made 46 african nations which is more than the amount of nations on the continent of Asia (2) These boundaries led to lots of neighbors which meant more wars (3) 15 countries are landlocked meaning no way to use the ocean to ship or recieve goods, instead these countries have to pay taxes to get and sent goods (4) There were no natural boundaries ie Mountains or rivers as a boundary The person who posted ahead of me had a good summary on how the Berlin Conference divided up the lands without any consideration for the ethnic groups in the areaWww@QuestionHome@Com