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Position:Home>History> Were the Egyptians black?

Question: Were the Egyptians black!?
If not!.Why did they create paintings and statues of blacks!?
And they were white!.Where are the paintings of white egyptians!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Egyptians were neither black nor white!. They were brown, the same as present-day egyptians!.

The american anthropologist, C!. Loring Brace, wrote
'attempts to force the Egyptians into either a black or white category have no biological justification!.!.!.The old-fashioned chimerical concept of "race" is hopelessly inadequate to deal with the human biological reality of Egypt, ancient or modern!."

The iconography of the Egyptians depictions of themselves suggests that for most of their history they saw themselves as midway between the black, woolly-haired Africans and the pale, beared Asiatics!. The tombs of the New Kingdom pharoahs Set I and Ramesses III in the Valley of the kings includes scenes specifically depicting figures representing the various human types in the universe over which the sun-god Re presided!. These types include reddish-brown Egyptians, black skinned Kushites (Nubians) and with the paler-skinned Libyans and Asiatics!. Although partly based on skin colour and other physical characteristics, these ancient ethnic types were also based on varieties in hairstyles and costumes, and their function was clearly to allow the Egytpians to define themselves as a national group, relative to the rest of the world!. Such depictions, however, would have been recognised by the Egyptians themelves as simplified stereotypes, given that the thousands of portrayals of individual Egyptians on the walls of tombs and temples show that the population as a whole ranged across a wide spectrum of complexions, from light to dark brown!.

It is probably most accurate, if you are going to classify Egyptians by colour, to describe them as 'brown' rather than either 'black' or 'white', but the Egyptians themselves would probably just have classified themselves as Egyptians!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

During the early years there were two major civilizations in Africa that rose along the Nile River!. The Egyptians to the north and the Kush to the southeast!.

During their time, the Egyptians and the Kush were rivals!. They would often fight and over time Egyptians were the dominanate civilization and ruled over the Kush, which were black skinned people!. However, during the 1500s, the Kush conquered Egypt and ruled for about 200 years!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Egyptians were not, and are not black!. Just look at the way they look now, it is pretty much the same as they have always looked!. In the far south around Aswan there is are more black Egyptians!. They are not really white either - more arabic!.
In paintings it was traditional to paint men darker than women as women stayed in the house and men lived more outside, hunting e!.t!.c!.
There were of course many different peoples who passed through/invaded or assimilated into the thousands of years of Ancient Egyptian civilisation, hence the representations of all races in their Art!. They very clearly defined race in their imagery on temple walls showing defeated enemies, but tomb art showed a representation of the ideal of beauty, with very little to do with what anyone actually looked like!. Hope that helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

egypt is a large country and the same answer for old egypt is the same for the new and improved egypt: some were and some weren't!. and no 'they' , whoever they is, didn't create statues and paintings, carvings, etc!., of black egyptians!. these people portrayed could've been composites of people known!. also, be careful!. the materials used then were often of stuff that when aged makes people appear different than in real life!. in the southern part of egypt, the closer the sun, the darker the skin!. northern Mediterranean people are often lighter skin color!. just the way it is, pal!. just the way it is!. what's the saying!? location!. location!. location!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The real answer here is that "black" and "white" are not natural categories!. A cosmopolitan society in north Africa was likely to have a wide range of physical types, and the division of this continuum into two crude groups -- "black" and "white" -- is a (bad) habit inculcated by Western racism!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Depends what time in history my friend and what part of egypt!. The paintings are not black they are brown and/or deep red, some are expresively white!. In the Bible they made a difference between the Egyptians and the kushites the latter being described as black or dark skinned!. So don't believe the hype, all these theories of racial superiority are stupid, egypt was a great empire because it had people of all races working together: mediterranean whites, semmitic Jews and arabs and African Blacks!. FYI jesus was a jew of the line of David, david was blond blue eyed so there is at least a trace of evidence that Jesus was not black either!. Hope it helpsWww@QuestionHome@Com

no, they referred to the countries south of them as black!. they were the same people that live there now, dusky skinned middle eastern!. note however in the Poltomic period, the ruling class were white (greecian)!. Cleopatra being the last of these rulersWww@QuestionHome@Com

No - they were not!. Nor were they white!. The world did not divide up along modern American ideas of ethnicity!. The Egyptians were Egyptian!. Their modern decendants are the Copts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No they were not, but they did have darker skins that Europeans, therefore, they appear black in older paintings and reliefs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes they were!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


They were & are brown!.Www@QuestionHome@Com