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Position:Home>History> Basic causes of the Russian Revolution?

Question: Basic causes of the Russian Revolution!?
im not a smart man!.
I found on the internet the causes of the Russian revolution, but i cant understand it!. Can some please explain 2 me Basicly what are the causes!? !.!.
I have worked out that one cause was WW1 and how Russian Army's werent doing 2 well

cheere 'oWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
History is a very complex subject!. It is also one of my favorite subjects because it is about real people and what happen in their lives!. That being said the Russian revolution is pretty complex but the very gist of is this!.
The Ramonov (sp) dynasty had been in power of Russia for some time!. ( about 300 years)!. At the time they were they last major power to be ruled by an absolute monarchy!. So being the absolute monarchs that they were they cared very little with sharing there power with the people!. Condtions in Russia were bad!. Most of the population were peasants and the gap between the peasants and nobles were very wide!. Peasant had little to eat, little land and had to pay huge taxes!. Some people were also dissatisfy with the autocratic rule of the czar and they wanted something more democratic!.

On Sunday, 22nd January 1905, more than 200 000 workers, led by a priest of the church by the name of Father Gapon, took part in a peaceful demonstration in St!. Petersburg (later known as Petrograd, and then Leningrad)!. They proceeded to the Winter Palace to present a petition to the Tsar regarding better working conditions, medical benefits and more freedom!. They also wanted a parliament, or a Duma, to represent their views!. The unarmed demonstrators were shot at by the Tsar's troops!. There were many outbursts after that!. Troops mutinied, peasants rose up and strikes emerged, all demanding that the Tsar create a Duma and more freedom!.

In the October Manifesto, the Tsar decided to form a Duma and allow more freedom of speech!. This was the Tsar's real chance to improve people's lives by implementing reforms and increasing work condition standards!. He could have employed the Duma well to gain him support and yet keep the people happy at the same time!. Instead, he made a big mess out of everything!. There were 4 Dumas within the span of 1906 and 1917, and the first 3 were changed due to the Tsar's selfishness and hunger for power!. All 4 Dumas were powerless and did not really represent the people at all!.

Then WW1 Broke out and the Russians were losing!. Nicholas couldn't inspire his troops to fight and in fact they were beaten miserably Things at home for the women weren't much better and the conditions in which they worked in were terrible!. So every was pretty much unhappy with the Czar and they took action!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Russian society was still mainly fuedal in an industrial world!. Where most of Europe had long since abandoned serfs and nobles as an organizing principle (the nobles kept their titles, but there were no serfs), Russia was still feudal!. Serfs were still tied to the land they worked with no legal freedom to leave and seek a better life!. (Yes, I know that Russian serfs were technically freed in 1861, buy the decree freeing the serfs made taking advantage of that freedom very difficult!.)

There was a wide disparity between the haves the have nots and, I would argue, that a majority portion of the population fell into the have not category, with 84 percent of the nation being peasants or a small industrial working class!. Nobles made up five percent of the population, leaving a middle class of only 11 percent of the population!. Wealth was concentrated in the hands of a few and the majority of the country lived in poverty!.

The state was still an absolute monarchy!. Even though the Revolution of 1905 forced the Czar to accept the Dumas, Nicholas II retained the vast majority of his powers and enforced his rule through a secret police apparatus!.

Finally, there was a recent history of revolution!. Following the humilation of losing to Japan in the 1905 Russo-Japanese War, Russians rose up in the 1905 revolution!. Promises were made and broken by the Czar!. The Dumas was relegated to advisory status!. In short, nothing really changed except some pages in an ignored book of laws!. This meant the issues festering from the 1905 Revolution and other movements were still just below the surface in 1917!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The smartest people are the ones who ask questions lol!. Yeah basically WWI caused inflation of the Russian currency (the rouble), as well as food shortages!. It also made people question the Tsar's power!.!.!.they started blaming him for their defeats!.
In late February 1917, when this revolution occurred, the army soldiers, who were ordered to fire on the protesting workers, wouldn't do so, cos they didnt believe in it (they wanted the war to end too)!. So because the Tsar didn't have his army's support (like he did in the 1905 Revolution), he had to no choice but to step down as Russia's leader!. There ya go!.!.!.easy as!Www@QuestionHome@Com

the looming military defeat in WW 1 was basically THE cause with all surrounding circumstances,like great human loss in the war,economic collapse,famines,perception of the tsar and the ruling class as totally incompetent !.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com