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Position:Home>History> What drove people to overthrow their leader?

Question: What drove people to overthrow their leader!?
Why did senators betray Julius Caesur!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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It was not the people it was the Senators that assassinated Caesar!.
Rome was a class society, governed mostly by a wealthy privileged class of nobility, mostly from Rome proper!. Provinces were governed through appointed governors and did not hold seats in the Senate!.
Severe problems arose between these classes mostly in land ownership and employment!. The wealthy possessed huge tracts of land where they employed slaves for the majority of the labor, building companies and factories also employed slaves!. This made the unemployment for free Romans very high!.
When Caesar took control of the Senate he began to reform the Roman Republic!. Many did not like his reforms, many suffered from his reforms, and many simply do not like change!. Changes always create friction!. Caesar had intended to break up the power of the ruling nobility, reposes huge tract of land from the nobility and give some of these land to the free Romans!. He intended to place a tax on slaves,and intended to make a few laws tat would limit the number of slaves in certain practices, attempting to create greater opportunities for free Romans!. One of the biggest reforms was to increase the size of the Roman Senate to include provincial Senators!. In the provinces they were free Roman citizens, the majority consisted of legionaries that were released from service!.
The Roman Empire was govenored from Rome by the people of Rome proper!. Caesar was going to allow a number of provinces to elect Senators to hold seats in Rome!. Caeser was going to triple the size of the senate to do these!. Naturally a large number of Senators did not like this, and did not want the change, nor did they wish to yeild any of their power to Ceasar's new Senate!.
The Senators betrayed Caesar in order to retain their power ans the old ways!. The people of Rome were by and large for Caesar and the reforms!. To apease the Romans after Caesars death the Senated did pass a number of land reforms to better the lot of the average Roman!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He allowed high gas prices !!! Next
Its as old as history you cant please everybody and when enough at one time get togeather !!! RevoltWww@QuestionHome@Com

They didn't like the way he ruled, so they got rid of him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com