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Question: Mayan Calendar websites!? NOT THE END OF THE WORLD WEBSITES! Just the normal calendars!.!?
I need help plz! 10 pts!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Nice Quote, the Mayans have a similar greating:

"In Lak’ech Ala K’in" (I am you and you are me!. What I do to you I do to myself)!.

A good place to start would be their "Calendar Round" (Their Personal Calendar)!. We could then look at the "Galactic Day" and then the "Long Count" calendar; it's the one most of us are somewhat familiar with (that circle stone, with a face in the center): It's also one of the ones set to restart a new cycle on December 21, 2012!. They also have a calendar that charts all of "creation" from the Big Bang to the year 2012!. The Mayans claim, that we will have reached our destination on December 21, 2012!. Time "as we know it" will cease to exist beyond this point (according to them)!.

* The following video shows the mechanics of the Calendar Round!. Each symbol, has a special significance to it!. With an understanding of the cycles and the symbols you'll be on your way to charting the energies associated with each day!. You will even be able to go back to your own birthday and check to see what was "happening" then: It's suppose to tell you something about yourself (who you are spiritually)!.

Mayan Calendar Round (Personal)

What's your Mayan Sun Sign!?

If you want to look at what some of the other signs are, here is a link that lists them:

The following cycles are most relevant to what may occur in 2012!. There is the 5,125 year "Long Count"(Great Cycle) and the 25,625 year Galactic Day!. Both of these are set to end and MAYBE restart on the Winter Solstice (Dec!. 21, 2012) (I'll explain the "MAYBE" Later)!.

** I'll start with the Galactic Day!. As we travel around the Milky way, it is my understanding that we do not remain a constant distance from its center; a black hole the Mayans refer to as the creator, "HUNAB KU"!. Instead, we move in and away from this black hole!. In the years that we are furthest away, we not only experience dense energy, but become it: These years are part of the "Galactic Night" (Dark Years)!. In the years that we move closer, we become higher vibrating energy (Enlightened Beings): These years pertain to the "Galactic Day"!. We are currently in transition from Night to Day!. Curiously, the complete cycle is 25,625 years; approximately the same as what has been calculated for the Precession Of The Equinox Cycle!.

Mayan Prophecy 2012: Entering Our Galactic Day

*** The Long Count evenly divides the Galactic Day in five parts (25,625 years / 5 = 5,125 years)!. It is my understanding that this cycle coincides with a natural rhythmic beat that is derived from the center of the Galaxy in the form of an energy pulse!. This energy presumably has multiple effects on us and our surroundings!. It not only helps us to become enlightened beings for a few years, but it can reek havoc on Earth by creating larger Solar winds, famine, increased volcanic activity, Tsunamis, and maybe even a pole shift!. Starting from twenty years prior to this grand event, in a period the Mayans refer to as "No-Time", an energy spurt from the center of our galaxy is expected to create a shift in our Consciousness, from Left-brain thinking to Right-brain thinking!. This shift can be experienced all at once or gradually at first moving exponentially as we approach 2012!.

Mayan Long Count

Long Count Calendar pic!. (also known as the Mayan Calendar Stone)

**** There is one last Mayan Calendar I could share with you!. It is one of the most recently discovered calendars and may be the most important one!. It is a calendar that has recorded the state of consciousness from the beginning of time (The Big Bang) to Dec!. 21, 2012; At which time we will have supposedly consciously evolved to completeness, to become co-creators with HUNAB-KU: It maps out "creation" if you will (that is why I said "Maybe" earlier)!. It is much too involved for me to go into, but I found a video that covers it pretty well; albeit kind of long!.

Secrets of the Mayan Calendar Unveiled (parts 1 - 3)

Yeah lots of the sites are about the prophesy rather than the history aspect!. Start with the sites below!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

its in spanish but it can be translatedWww@QuestionHome@Com