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Position:Home>History> What are MUST KNOW facts about the War of 1812?

Question: What are MUST KNOW facts about the War of 1812!?
I have a test coming up and I know most of it, but wanted to know if there was anything else I was missing!.

Thank- You


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Great Britain and France are again at war, both on land and on sea!. American ships and sailors are in danger!. Impressment of Americans and their ships are being conducted by both the British and French, due partly to the blockade of Europe by both countries!. President Jefferson retaliates by establishing the Embargo Act and the Non-Intercourse Act!. However, these new laws do not help the American farmers, businessmen, shippers or trade!. Then in 1808, James Madison is elected president!. The War Hawks in Congress urge military action against Great Britain!. In June of 1812, President Madison asks Congress to declare the first official United States war!. In as much as Great Britain has recently defeated France’s Emperor Napoleon, it is eager to regain lands in America, as well as taxes from the "colonies!." The British leaders plan a three-pronged attack against the United States!. What happens next!? What do we Americans do, and how do we fight back!? Let’s travel back almost 200 years and find out!

The War of 1812 was a turning point in American history!. Many historians have argued about the reasons and results of the War!. Through your teacher’s initial presentation, your own research, and the analysis of others’ work you have gained a further understanding of this time in our American history!. The War of 1812 was directly responsible for the United States acquiring Florida and then moving on to realize Manifest Destiny!. This war also impacted our neighbors to the North (Canada) and South (Mexico and South America) by the enactment of the Monroe Doctrine!. It is amazing, to think that battles occurred after the treaty had been signed!. This helps us realize that modern technology such as the internet, telephone, and television, allow people to immediately learn of world happenings and events, thereby, shaping the world we live in!.
Good LUck on the test!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

War of 1812






I would do some research on the impact that the war had on international relations!. Normally, teachers will test you on that kind of stuff!. It's pretty important!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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http://en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/War_of_1812 – 172,687 байтWww@QuestionHome@Com

All I know is that it was a war in a period of history!. I cannot help you here!. Sorry!Www@QuestionHome@Com