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Question: Can You Please Check My Homework!?
What did President Truman promise in the Truman Doctrine!?
to support nations trying to resist Soviet control
to fight hunger anywhere in the world
*to enforce the American foreign policy of brinkmanship*
to reject the former policy of containment

What was the outcome of the Korean War!?
Korea was unified under a Communist government!.
North Korea surrendered after the threat of atomic warfare!.
Korea remained divided at almost exactly the same place as before the war!.
*China controlled North Korea while South Korea remained independent!.*

The 1957 launching of Sputnik
proved the superiority of American technology!.
greatly increased Eisenhower's popularity!.
plunged the United States into a series of three recessions!.
*caused Congress to increase spending on teaching science and mathematics!.*

A 1950s technological innovation furthered by research during World War II was the
drive-in movie!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Korea was never unified under a communist government North Korea also never surrendered, they signed an armistice whick is just an agreement to stop fighting!.

you got the whole sputnik thing wrong!. The soviets launched sputnik, which started the space race!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Incorrect
2!. Correct
3!. Correct
4!. Correct

I could be wrong of course, especially on 2 and 4 since there are other answers that could also be right depending on how you view them, but take another look at the Truman Doctrine :)Www@QuestionHome@Com