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Position:Home>History> Nikola Tesla or Thomas Edison who was the greater inventor?

Question: Nikola Tesla or Thomas Edison who was the greater inventor!?
Several people are familiar with Edison, but sadly little is known these days about Tesla, a serbian inventor who was the forefather of AC electricity!. Edison representing the alternative, DC electricity!.

Without him the world as we know it would not exist, he brought power to everyone and ideas no one at the time was ready for

Sadly the two inventors were in a constant conflict, each trying to best the other in their field!. Now the war of the currents still lives and Tesla is winning again with the ban of Edison's incandescent light bulb favoring the fluorescent invent by Tesla as well!.


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I live close to Colorado Springs CO!. where Tesla had a lab for awhile!. I had never heard of Tesla until I moved here in 1981!. Tesla is at long last getting more credit for his inventions and his brilliant mind Conflict/competition sometimes stimulates better inventions or products, but as often, I think, one person's or group's contribution goes unnoticed!. As to who was the greater inventor, I am not sure it is a black/white choice!. If I remember right, Edison used tungsten for the wire in the incandescent bulb, not knowing that tungsten was assumed to be too brittle to use as a wire!. Both men were brilliant and we owe both much of what we consider to be an ordinary part of our lives!. I like the underdogs and ignored in history so on that basis I choose Tesla!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Tesla, Edison just took everyone else's ideas and claimed they were his!. As a result, Tesla died broke and miserable!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Tesla was the more inventive mind while Edison tended to improve on other peoples work, but if you want to talk financial success Edison wins hands-down!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Without that competition, they might not have discovered those! Conflict sometimes produces good results!. I agree, Tesla is not taught enough in US schools!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
