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Position:Home>History> What were all the goals of the spanish in the conquest of new spain???

Question: What were all the goals of the spanish in the conquest of new spain!?!?!?
was the aquisition of land one of their goals!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The goals varied by era, place, and person!. Briefly, they were wealth, fame, power, and conversion!.

Many individuals wanted to win fame and glory!. Hernan Cortes grew up poor and unimportant!. His ambitions drove him to conquest!.

Isabela and Fernando wanted to get gold for their new country (they unified Spain, expelled the last Moors, and sponsored Columbus in the same few years)!. They and their successors wanted gold and silver to fill the kingdom's coffers, and land to add to their empire for both prestige and strategic power (after extracting the precious metals)!.

They were also called Los Reyes Catolicos!. At least on paper they also wanted to convert the people they found to Christianity!. After all, a 15th century papal bull awarded half the unknown world to Catholic Spain and half to Catholic Portugal!.
- You should look into the Requerimiento and the reports of Bartolomeo de las Casas!.

New Spain was the viceroyalty of Central America through Mexico and parts of what is now the US!. Peru was the viceroyalty of Spanish-controlled South America!. I assume you mean both when you refer to New Spain!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

every country was imperialistic, they wanted most land, most population, largest economy/military!. They also wanted to take te resources from the area, the only reason they conquested it was because columbus came back with so much gold!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


I belive that was one of them a few more were to find gold and to convert the people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com