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Position:Home>History> Was there really a real reason or cause for World War 1?

Question: Was there really a real reason or cause for World War 1!?
I know that Franz Ferdinand the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary was assassinated and Austria-Hungary got all pissed at Serbia and declared war on them then the rest of the world joined on different sides because of treaties and being allies of that certain country that joined but really was there really a cause to fight!. What were those soldiers on the Western Front really fighting and dieing for!? That's something I always wanted to know!. also I want to know what was the effect of World War 1 and what did the Allies gain and what did the Central Powers lose!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well I think you largely answered your own question as to the cause!.!.!. but the story of culpability has been a topic actively discussed for many years after WWI!.

The soldiers were driven primarily by nationalism and also were largely misled by propaganda!. Allied stories abound about the atrocities of the Germans in Belgium, which were later proved wrong!. There was a book written shortly after the war in the 1920s written by a British historian who was hired on as a professional propagandist during the war highlighting all the various inaccuracies appearing in British, French and American papers!.

The effect of WWI was huge!.!.!. for starters it created a power vacuum in central Europe which would result in the rise of Nazism some 10-12 years later!. It left most of europe in ruins and resulted in the deaths of millions of young men in their prime!. Communism arose in Russia as a direct result of German aid in successfully undermining the tsar by releasing political prisoners such as Lenin, Stalin and Trotsky!. Dissatisfaction of their cut of the pie would lead to disenchantment in Italy and Japan which would lead to them switching sides in WWII!. In Turkey, the sultan and the Young Turks were overthrown by Ataturk!. There was also a massive flu epidemic which struck the world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I remember someone telling me the REAL reason why the First World War was started was due to partisan activity in Eastern Europe (at the time)---and the ruling parties/monarchies-patriarchies did NOTHING to quell the movement (especially including a then-popular Communist/Socialist movement)!.

Familes (Ferndinand and Romanov, etc) refused to--or were not able to, depending on your point of view---see the changes coming until it was too late!.

The world was changing right before their eyes----World War 1 also woke everyone up to the reality the world was getting much smaller!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The only reason the war happened was the assasination of Franz Ferdinand and the alliances, and the countries eagerness to try out new weapons!. There was no point to the war!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Like all wars, everybody was thinking about their own interests; the death of Franz Ferdinand was just an excuse!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In my opinion, WWI was the "next" war brewing for the European continent!. Europes' monarchies were constantly fighting for spoils and land every few dozen years!. And yes, alliances were jealously guarded, honor was to be upheld!. The military build up since the previous war that ended in 1871 between France and Germany, the monarchs and prime ministers/war ministers began planning for the "next" war!.

The unfolding horror and slaughter fought in the name of honor and alliance was never envisioned by the war planners!. Many believe such close proximity of countries with then modern transportation systems, wars would be fought and won in very short terms!. Mobilization was grossly underestimated as well as overestimated to win wars quickly!.

After the Armistice, Central Europe was carved up to de-militarize Germany, Hungary, the Balkans, Yugoslavia, Serbia and Austria!. A de-stabilizing tactic that ultimately backfired into WWII, and most of the "losers" of WWI became members of the Soviet Bloc for 50 years at the conclusion of WWII!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ostensibly, the assassination of the Austro-Hungarian Archduke Franz Ferdinand (the next in line for the throne) by Serbian nationalists launched the war!. But there's more background!. The Austro-Hungarian Empire had been dealing with nationalistic uprisings in the Balkans since the 1st Balkan War (1911)!. Serbian terrorists, had been conducting acts in Bosnia!. So the Austro-Hungarians were very sensitive to any threat!. After the assassination, the Austrians insisted that the Serbs turn over all their intelligence on these groups, specifically the "Black Hand", plus place their counterintelligence forces under Austrian command!.
The Austrians sent an ultimatum to the Serbs with these demands, asking for a response within 48 hours!. The Russians were allied, somewhat, with the Serbs and expressed their concerns over the wording of the note!.
At this point, the German Empire, specifically the Kaiser, against the judgement of his advisors, declared his solidarity with Austria!. Neither Austria nor Germany believed the Russians would mobilize-essentially going to war-over a diplomatic note in Serbia!.
The Austrians, emboldened by German support, threatened war with Serbia and started to move troops to the border!. The Serbs, believing the Russian support would make the Austrians back down, refused to answer, and mobilized themselves!.
Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia!.
The Kaiser in one of his rare moments of thought, sends a message to the Tsar (his cousin) saying that Russia need not intervene!.
The Tsar orders partial mobilization and moves troops to the Austrian Border!.
The German General Staff convinces the Kaiser that they need to mobilize now, completely, to stay ahead of the Russians!. This they now do!.
The Russians after much prevarication, now fully mobilize and move troops into Poland, at that time part of the Russian Empire!.
Germany now declares war on Russia, and advises France they have no quarrel with them!.
France, honoring her treaty with Russia declares war on Germany!.
Austria-Hungary declares war on Russia!.
Germany now executes the "Schlieffen Plan" an operations plan devised for just this contingency, and demands access through Belgium!. Belgium refuses!. Germany declares war on Belgium!.
Britain, impressed by Belgium's fight, and in sympathy with here situation issues an ultimatum to Germany to withdraw!. Germany doesn't answer the note, and Britain declares war on Germany, and by extension Austria!.
Britain's overseas dominions also declare war!.
Italy, a member of the Triple Alliance with Austria and Germany, points out that it is a defensive alliance!. Since none of the other members were attacked, it remains neutral, and will eventually 1915 join the war on the Allied side!.
US declares neutrality!.
Troops everywhere fight and die for one reason: each other!.
Effects: Destruction of four empires and the construction of a new one:
- Ottoman, German, Austro-Hungarian and Russian empires died!.
- A Communist Empire arose in Russia!.
Allies gained the destruction at least temporarily of Imperial Germany!. The US achieved status as a world power!. The British dominions were able to leverage participation in WW1 to start down the road to independence!. Several new states were able to emerge from the destruction of the German and Austro-Hungarian Empires: Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Estonia Latvia Lithuania and Finland!.
Central Powers were destroyed as nation-states!. New smaller nations would emerge: Austria, Hungary, Germany!.Www@QuestionHome@Com