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Position:Home>History> What did people do before the internet was invented?

Question: What did people do before the internet was invented!?

Its the weekend

And all i have done this weekend is sit here bored out of my brain going from site to site but not actually looking at anything!.

My brain is numb!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I actually grew up in a house that didn't have TV!.

Why ,!.!.!.!.because the only TV was black and white and we could not afford one or a TV licence!.!.

So I read books!.!.!.!.!.!.!. you know those funny things that you get from a strange building that has all the kids on skateboards running around!.

We used to listen to the radio and actually go and play with REAL friends!. Not make believe computer generated ones!.

Get out and live life!.!.!.!.!. !.!.not an emulation of what life is!.

Your brain is not numb !.!.!.!.!.!.it is dead from neglect and lack of stimulation!. Give it some food!.

read a challenging book!. One that makes you think, takes you to a world of imagination or gets you thinking alternative thoughts!.
step outside of your comfort zone and challenge yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They actually talked to other people, went to the library for information, read books, enjoyed outdoors!. The internet has been a great resource for info and entertainment, but also has become a nuisance too!. I don't know what a kid from 2008 would do if they went back in time to 1978!. I was outside most of the time, riding bikes, baseball, etc!. We made up our own entertainment!. So while we do enjoy the internet, I encourage my daughter to also read, do crafts, play board games, etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We got out this rectangular (sometimes square) item with a front and back cover on it, and pages with words all over them and we read those things called books, and used our imaginations to help the stories come to life!. ;-)

And then we walked 5 miles in the snow up-hill to get to school because they didn't give us snow days, and when we got to school, if we acted up, the teachers would take out a paddle and give us a good paddling, and then we got a good paddling from our parents when we got home from school, and gasoline was only 79 cents/gallon!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

People led REAL lives and COMMUNICATED with other people!.!.!. they played REAL music!.!.!. no some stupid game like Guitar Hero!.!.!. they listened to records and tapes!.!.!. they walked a lot!.!.!. FAT children PLAYED OUTSIDE so they were not as FAT as they are today!.!.!.

People knew how to interact and not keep the world at a length through the computer!.!.!. and people were DECENT TO EACH OTHER instead of the hateful, in your face way that has grown from being hateful to stranger on the internet!.

People knew how to do RESEARCH and find answers on their own without resorting to lying on Answers by falsely claiming to have "looked everywhere" so they can just ask someone to look it up for them!. People even knew about things like BOOKS and the PHONE BOOK and the YELLOW PAGES

The best thing that could happen is if the internet would totally collapse!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Go out & have fun with friends:
1- Go to the Malls, window shop & meet good looking guys
2- Watch a movie you'd enjoy
3- Watch DVD movies
4- browse youporn!.com
5- play sports: tennis, golf, bowling, swimming
6- Bike around the block, skate, roller blade
7- Go to resort or spasWww@QuestionHome@Com

Before the internet genre, I used to grab a good book, go out to the open field and read that book under the shade of a mango tree!. That is, I only do that after helping my mother doing house chores!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They read and do their daily jobs
me myself take the Internet as a source of information do job tasks!. you really need to go out and do outdoors activities!.
or travel in the summer to a place that does not has Internet,
LIVE YOUR LIFEWww@QuestionHome@Com

As far as I recall, I used to smoke, drink, party and have an awful lot of sex!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Go out side!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

played solitaireWww@QuestionHome@Com

are you serious!?

go outside make some friends!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
