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Position:Home>History> Austria used to call her self : "Holy Roman Impire" . Why ?

Question: Austria used to call her self : "Holy Roman Impire" !. Why !?
Austrians are different race !. Why they connected them selfs with Romans !. Any reason , folks !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Austria-Hungary was ruled by the Habsburgs; as were several other European countries!. Hence; Austria-Hungary was also known as the Habsburg Empire!.
The 'Holy Roman Empire' existed during the middle ages; predominately in Central Europe but also controlled the northern half of Italy which included Rome!. It was 'holy' because it was x-tian and 'roman empire' as a title of status ie it was the successor the roman empire of the classical age!.
By extension; the Habsburg Empire existed on much of the same territory that the 'holy roman empire' once controlled!.
And, as its predecessor, declared itself its imperial and spiritual successor!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation, to give it its full name, included Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Holland, Belgium, the Czech Republic, northern Italy, and large parts of Eastern France!.
The empire was elected from the princes of the empire, but from about 1438 it was always the head of the house of Habsburg, who ruled Austria amongst other lands, who was elected, with only one short interruption!.
The Empire finally lost a lot of territory to revolutionary France and Napoleon, and the last Emperor renamed himself Emperor of Austria and the Holy Roman Empire ceased to exist in 1806!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it had more to do with religion than ethnicity!.

This link has some good information about the history of the Holy Roman Empire: