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Position:Home>History> Was shi huangdi a successful or a cruel emperor?

Question: Was shi huangdi a successful or a cruel emperor!?
I'm not really sure!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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to put things in perspective almost all people in his place were cruel, or seem to be in the eyes of the modern observer!. In order to take and hold power at that time is was necessary to let your oponents know what you are prepared to do to hold power!. On the other hand he was a cruel man, who was also a little parinoid by the end of his life, I suppose that all those years of getting rid of real enemeys made him see enemeys even where there were friends!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

unfortunately, successful and cruel are not necessarily mutually exclusive!.

he did unite his country, and made much use of force!. most other rulers of the time did the same thing!. it is a bit unfair to judge Shi Huangdi or any other ruler of China or any other country at that time by modern standards!.

a cruel rulerWww@QuestionHome@Com

He was a successful ruler who used legalism and united China but was ruthless!. He burned all the books and had a tomb with A LOT of copper life size soldiers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He was a successful emperor, he unified China, he is the father of China!. A great man indeed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com