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Position:Home>History> Hannibal, Missouri history? 10 points!?

Question: Hannibal, Missouri history!? 10 points!!?
I need to find online references that talk about the social life/gatherings/class in 1840-1850 in Hannibal, Missouri!. Please help me! Everything I find has to do with mark twain, which I don't need!. Thanks!

I WILL give 10 points to the best answer!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Here's a brief overview on Hannibal History which deals with business and industry in the period!.

The second link covers a broad period, but the information about the newspapers is useful, particularly that Orion Clemens was a newspaper publisher, before being sent to Nevada as Secretary to the Governor!.

There are also a number of things put together by state librarians!. Illinois and Missouri both have Digital Heritage collections, and they are accessible free of charge!. I'd suggest trying both for references to Hannibal and Marion County Missouri for firsthand accounts of life in the period you speak of!. The travel accounts are very enlightening!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
