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Position:Home>History> Did Bartholdi really make the statue of liberty? Or was it some1 whos name start

Question: Did Bartholdi really make the statue of liberty!? Or was it some1 whos name started with L like on Nati!. Tres 2
In national treasure 2 they say that someone else made them that started with an L!. But i can't remember!. They said the only one he really called his lady was the one in Paris!. So who is the real creator of the Satues of liberty!?!?!?!? i appriciate your help:)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
National Treasure is fiction, please remember that!. Bartholdi made the Statue in his foundry, which would have included dozens of artisans, so it wasn't him alone!. There may have been women at the foundry--it was common to have women for some fine detail aspects of artisan work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i know that it is bartholdi!. national treasure is not really historically accurate!.Www@QuestionHome@Com