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Position:Home>History> World War One?!?

Question: World War One!?!!?
What happened throughout the start of the war, middle and end of it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
At the start of the War, Germany invaded France!. To do this they went through the independent country of Belgium!. Belgium had been created as a 'tripwire' after a previous war - so anyone invading its neutral territory would be cited for committing a foul!. The British were the Umpires at this time, and therefore had to go to war with Germany for breaking the rules!.
Both sides dug a big ditch running from the North Sea to the Alps, and sat either side of it machine gunning anyone who got out and dropping shells on those who didn't!. Meanwhile the Germans and Russians were also fighting on the Eastern Front!. In Britain, Churchill was in charge of the Admiralty, and thought it would be a clever idea to send ships and troops to Turkey to capture Constantinople!. This didn't work!.
After a while, the Russians gave up in the East and had a revolution instead!. The Italians gave up in the South, and the Germans looked like winning everything in the West!. This didn't work for them because (1) millions of Americans joined in against them and (2) The Germans had a revolution too, because everyone else was having one!.
There was a big peace conference where somebody told the French they could do what they liked!. Sadly, they did!. - so a few years later the Germans held another war to try and put things right!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Simple!.!.!. PEOPLE DIED!.

Gee!.!.!. another "BUZZ WORD" question asked by someone who doesn't have enough of a clue to know that an answer would take about 100 BOOKS to answer!.

There are HUNDREDS of books on WW1, each one covering a different phase of that war!.!.!. and you will have to READ them to get your answers because that is WAY beyond a one sentence answer here on Answers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Again gread started it off and the need for power in the region!.
Throughout alot of people lost their lives on both sides for very little as wehad to do it al again in 1939-45!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You want the whole history of it!? Buy a couple of books! Too involved for hereWww@QuestionHome@Com

basically people died!.!.!. now if you want a more detailed review go to www!.worldwarone!.com and read the info!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com