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Position:Home>History> I have many questions For egyptian animals!?

Question: I have many questions For egyptian animals!!?
1!.How could Scared Animals be sacred!?
2!.Why were Scared animals be sacred!?
3!.Who made them sacred!?
4!.What type of animals were scared!?
5!.How did you worship sacred animals!?
6!.What was the most sacred animal and why!?
7!. Why were there sacred animals!?
8!.Why were animals considered sacred!?
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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Animals are considered sacred when people consider them sacred and the Egyptians more so than any other civilization deified animals mostly due to their interpretation of an animals traits & characteristics!. Cats for example were worship because they seemed (and are) clever cunning creatures and in real life cats captured mice and thus protected the graineries!. Crocodiles were worshiped due to their strength!. Hippos for their bulk and for their curious ability to seemingly not need oxygen; settling into the depts of the Nile for hours at a time before coming up for air gave then an air of imortality!. Jackals were/are creatures of the night, their howls seem to conjur up dread & evil, they too seem clever & cunning!.
Animals were honored bu having temples dedicated to them, statues were made as well as simple trinkets - - - a carved wooden hippo could be carried much like a rosary!. Prayers were made to animal deities, pleas made for their help in ones life!. Entire cities were dedicated to animal-gods!.
It would be hard to say which one animal was most sacred since Egyptian history covers hundreds of years and various cults rose and fell but since I am p^ssy whipped must nominate the CAT - - - - - though I am certain many a historian will argue for the Jackal!.!.!.
