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Position:Home>History> Buchach or Buczacs.. Simon Wiesenthal.?

Question: Buchach or Buczacs!.!. Simon Wiesenthal!.!?
I am doing a project about Simon Wiesenthal and I dont get where he was born

he was born on December 31, 1908 in Buchach(or Buczacs), Galicia!. However some books say he was born in Buchach, Austria-Hungary!. What is this!?!?!? Is Galicia a part of Austria-Hungary or what is this!?

Can someone please explain this to me!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Galcia was a part of the Austria-Hungarian Empire until 1918, when the Empire was dissolved!. I believe that Galicia after WW1 was then divided between Poland and Ukraine!.

I take it that Simon would have been born into the Polish area of Galicia!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Simon Wiesenthal was born on December 31, 1908 in Buczacz, in what is now the Lvov Oblast section of the Ukraine!.

This is from the Simon Wiesenthat Center, so it should be 100% accurate (sse citation below)!. However, your suspicion is correct, the names of countries have changed and therefore it depends on what period of time one is talking about as to what the name of the country was, or in this case, it is just a region of a country, not a country itself (at the time it was Austria-Hungary)Www@QuestionHome@Com