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Position:Home>History> How did Henry VIII gain greater wealth and political support by breaking with th

Question: How did Henry VIII gain greater wealth and political support by breaking with the Catholic Church!?
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look under http://www!.newadvent!.org/cathen/07222a!.h!.!.!. it should anwer ur question in like the fifth paragraph and lower!. good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The church in general was a powerful institution in terms of politics and wealth during the reign of Henry VIII !.He needed money to start the first real English Navy and also to fill the general financial needs of the country!. When the Pope refused to grant him a divorce from his first wife Catherine of Aragon a very staunch catholic from the Spanish Royal Family he divorced her anyway and took the consequences anyway,
He was excomunicated from the Catholic church in Rome which was probably what he wanted!. Henry then had the power to start the Church of England which is basically what the politicians wanted, so that the power of the Catholic church became vastly diminished!.
Henry then started what became recognised as a famous moment in British History (The Dissolution of the Monastries), all these institutions were Catholic and Henry now burnt their places and confiscated their wealth, which was very considerable!.
He, therefore, acheived all his plans, his navy!. the escape from the Catholic church, the support of the vast majority of the politicians and the huge icome that he needed to run the country more efficiently!.
Although the power of the Catholic church was effectifaly broken it still remained as a one of the major religions within the lands dominated by King Henry VIII!.
As an afterthought when Henry divorced his first wife he feared that the father of her would send an armada from Spain to punish England for what he had done!. He, therefore, needed a navy againnst this action!. This did not happen in his lifetime but it did in the reign of his daughter Queen Elisabeth I!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He seized church property by dissolving the monasteries, and he gave confiscated church lands to his nobles, which naturally made his reforms popular with them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He destroyed the monasteries and confiscated all their lands which he kept for himself or gave or sold to his supportersWww@QuestionHome@Com