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Position:Home>History> Where was napoleon schooled?

Question: Where was napoleon schooled!?
primrary and secondary!? i really need the towns name if possible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Until the age of 10 in Corsica, probably in Ajaccio where he grew up!. Then he was put in the college of Autun in Burgundy for a few months when his father went to France until his nobility was established and then he was sent to the royal military school of Brienne-le-Chateau for five years!. At fifteen he went to the Military school of Paris, and one year later passed his exams and was sent to a regiment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

At age 9 Napoleon was sent along with his brother Joseph to be educated in France, at the secular school at Autun!. The curriculum was based around the humanities and it was here Napoleon learned to speak conversational French!. After a few months, through his father's influence, he was appointed to the Royal Military College at Brienne!. At age 15 he graduated and was sent to the Ecole Militarie in Paris, sort of the French West Point!. After that, he was commissioned as a Lieutenant in the artillery!. It is important to remember that Napoleon was primarily a self educated man, much of what he learned came from a voracious appetite for reading and study- often independent of his coursework!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, since there were no such things as "primary" and "secondary" schools by those names during Napoleon Bonaparte's time, I"m therefore assuming the "Napoleon" you're referring to is!.!.!.!.Napoleon Dynamite!.

He went to school in Preston Idaho at Preston HS!. For Middle school, he went to either Preston Middle or Jefferson Middle!. I'm afraid I don't have elementary school info!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Napoleon first went to school at a French military school at Brienne-le-Chateau!. The school was underfunded and was in a monastery!. After graduating from there he went to the elite école Royale Militaire (Paris), the top military school in France!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Corsican (not a Frenchman) was educated at the French Military Academy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com