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Position:Home>History> Francis Marion fought in the French-Indian war but wasn't he himself of Fren

Question: Francis Marion fought in the French-Indian war but wasn't he himself of French Ancestry!?
So wasn't it like French against French during that war!?

I know he had been born in America but was of Frenehc heritage so its a bit like going against your own people isnt it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes he was, u see thats the problem with America & its history to the present time that ppl fight against eachother, ppl forget about their roots, heritage and ancestry, thats y its a melting pot, they dont have respect for their origins and their name and therefore lose it, no wonder the Americans are shambles!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you go to a country, and you pay taxes and make a living, what kind of person would you be to fight against them!? I realize that today there are Moslems that do this in the United States, but back then there was a sense of honor!. If you were going to fight against something, you wouldn't live under its protection first!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, he was French, but the colonist were from British ancestry!. They fought for their freedom and to get away from their pastWww@QuestionHome@Com