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Position:Home>History> Please help? About how many scientists were executed for heresy?

Question: Please help!? About how many scientists were executed for heresy!?
!.!.!.during the Elizabethan Era in England!? Were there more scientists executed for heresy than witches executed for practicing witchcraft!? Was the church and the parliament more intolerant of heresy by scientists than of witchcraft!? Were the witch hunts conducted mainly by commoners and not the church!? Which was a bigger problem among aristocrats and priests, witchcraft or heresy by scientists!? What about among commoners!? Was the church and the parliament not that concerned with witchcraft at all!?
Please cite your sources if you can!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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Not a lot!.

In Protestant England six people were executed for heresy or blasphemy during the reign of Elizabeth I of England, and two more in 1612 under James I of England!.

Unlike her predecessor Mary 1!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In England there were little or none, it was mainly in central Europe during the Renaissance and the reformation that the church condemned scientists!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

wow there is no real way to know that answersWww@QuestionHome@Com