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Position:Home>History> How did fashion change after WW1? For men as well as women?

Question: How did fashion change after WW1!? For men as well as women!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I remember watching a programme in the Uk about fashion changing for men after the war but I think it was WWII, not WWI, so I'm probably not going to be much use to you!.

But one of the things that I remember from it was that guys were seen wearing T-shirts in the UK either because they'd been in the USA for a while or they were from the USA and they were getting stopped in the street by other men who were asking what this garment they were wearing was called, because they'd never seen anything like it!

I reckon if you delved around you might find that denim was also some kind of unknown fabric until after at least one of the wars!.

also I read that the wearing of trousers for women was a new thing which appeared after one of the wars - but I'm sure you already know that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Reflecting some of the breakdown of tradition and taboos, clothing became less formal and more casual!. This can be seen especially in the "flapper" styles for women, but there was a more general acceptance of color for both sexes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com