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Position:Home>History> English Monarch History?

Question: English Monarch History!?
We all know that History is significance and selection!. Well this is not for any homework but to add on to short notes!. Can anyone tell me why the following monarchs and events are treated as significant for history-->
The Renaissance
Henry VII
Henry VIII
Mary I
Elizabeth I
The Spanish Armada
James I
Charles I (civil war)
I did learn about this but evalutating from general knowledge what do you think made these monarchs and events significant!. I have my reasons but what does the community agree on!. Thank you all

N!.B!. This is strictly not for anyone's homework or required duties!. Thank youWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Renaissance!.!.!.!.rather than knowledge being the provenance of the Church, it was returned to the secular population!. Revival of classical knowledge and a revival of investigation in science, medicine, etc that wasn't limited by its opposition to the Christian views!.
Henry VII!.!.!.united the Lancaster's and the York's!. Founded the Tudor dynasty!.
Henry VIII!.!.!.!.broke with the Church of Rome!. Founder of the Church of England!. No doubt, having been the first English monarch educated in the Renaissance, it had a profound influence on his thinking!.
Mary I!.!.!.other than the ill-fated Jane, who ruled for 9 days!.!.!.!.she was the first ruling Queen of England!.
Elizabeth I!.!.!.first Protestant Queen of England!. Last of the Tudors!.
James I!.!.!.!.!.Formed the foundation for the British Empire by uniting the warring tribes of Scotland and then enjoining the crowns of Scotland and England in 1603!. First to call it Great Britain!. Commissioned a bible that was to be "for all men in a language common to the population!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your question needs a lot of information in the answer!.
To help you I have given you the name of a site which has all the answers to your question!.



I hope these are of help to you!.
Good luck my friend,

The Tudors and the StuartsWww@QuestionHome@Com

i don`t know i will go off and study it all and then comeback to you and tell you in three weeks!. mmmokayWww@QuestionHome@Com

Henry VII, Married the daughter of Edward IV to legitamise his shakey claim to the throne, founder of the Tudor dynasty!.
Henry VIII, broke from the Catholic Church in order to divorce his first wife Cathrine Aragon, best known for his six marrages!.
Mary, also known as "Bloody Mary" because of her violent tatics in trying to return England to the Catholic church!.
Elizabeth I, She is a hard one to lock down as lots happened during her reign, but not always because that's what she wanted!. For example the Spanish Armada lost more by the English good luck than good management by the English!. Drake was after booty more than a Naval victory, and in the end he got both!.
James I also James VI of Scotland, well England and Scotland finally united, (perhaps not as the English would have prefered) and of course the publication of the King James Bible!.
Charles I, Cause of the English Civil War, due to the fact that he thought he ruled by Devine Right!. I think he was the only English King to loose his head as a Trator to his own country!.Www@QuestionHome@Com