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Position:Home>History> If Isrealites originated in Mesopotamia and ended up in Canaan, what brought the

Question: If Isrealites originated in Mesopotamia and ended up in Canaan, what brought them to Egypt as it seems out !.!.!?
out of the way!. Why did the tribe travel to Egypt period!? that is if they did travel there!. I was just reading that they originated in Mesopotamia!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Historically the jews were enslved by the Egyptians!. The conquerer always behaved ruthlessly with the conquered!. In Mesoptamia itself they were defeated by the chaldean invaders!.
Ultimately it is Moses who led them to their freedom!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Joseph was sold as a slave to Egyptian traders by his brothers(they were jealous of him because he was his father's favourite)!. Later, he rose to favour with Pharoah, and save Egypt from famine!. So then he invited his father and all his family to come and live with him in Egypt, which they did!. At first they were well treated, but some generations after Joseph's time they began to be treated as slaves!.

It's all in the Bible, in Genesis Chapter 37-47!. Read it, it's a good story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com