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Position:Home>History> How does the Red Scare relate to the Cold War mindset?

Question: How does the Red Scare relate to the Cold War mindset!?
If you can, include what threat communists in America might casue for the usWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
First, we have to realize that Communism was perceived as a very real threat to the USA and to our very way of life!. Lenin managed to take over Russia with the support of less that 3% of the country!. The labor unions in this country accounted for more than that!. So the threat was clear!. Plus, despite how fanatical and weird McCarthy was, the reality was that there WERE indeed Communists and those passing secrets to Russia in the USA's government in the 1950s!. We didn't find this out until the late 1980s, but the bottom line was, he was right, and the leftists and newsmedia ended up being wrong!. He was just so an obnoxious person that it was easy to point to him with revulsion!. Once into the 1950s and 1960s, we saw the USSR as being ahead of the USA in the space race and in the arms race!. If they could put Sputnik into orbit and we couldn't, then they could rain bombs down on us and there was nothing we could do about it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com