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Position:Home>History> Did Hillary inadvertently sign her own political death warrant with her tasteles

Question: Did Hillary inadvertently sign her own political death warrant with her tasteless reference to Bobby Kennedy!?
Is that any way to win an election!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hillary was merely trying to make the point the election dynamics can turn around completely as late as June!. The US media is exaggerating the importance of the story as a favor to Obama!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's difficult to say, given the nature of politics (and politicians)!. It seems that any gaffe, no matter how bad, can be forgiven, overlooked, or ignored if it's in the interest of the party to do so!.

However, Hillary may have just stepped over the line by referring to the death of an iconic figure--and then had the added bad luck of the news of the only surviving Kennedy brother's apparently fatal brain tumor to become public!.

John Gotti might have been "The Teflon Don," but I'm not certain that Hillary has the same coating--and her remark just might have been the death knell to her aspirations, at least for 2008!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, I belive she did even if it was blown out of proportion!. She basically committed suicide by attacking one of the most powerful American families!. I'm sure they still know a few good people who could cause her campaign to start going backwards!. And if she didn't mean it like that then she should of never said it in the first place!. And no, that is no way to win an election especially if you drag it out till the last fight!. I personally believe she should go on 'holiday' for awhile and just let McCain and Obama battle it out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Did she ever! Anyone watch Keith Olbermann on MSNBC last night!? He was fuming and calling for her to walk away never come back!.!.!.and the press doesn't get much more liberal than him!.

We witnessed complete political suicide yesterday!. I'm expecting her to drop out gracefully before the holiday is over!.!.!.with several DNC shotguns stuck in her ribs for every word of it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think she meant it the way the Obama camp wants us to believe!. She was giving an example of primary season lasting into into the summer!. She said the same thing weeks ago, and nobody flinched!. Now everyone is up in arms!?

But to answer your question, I think she has already lost so it doesn't really matter!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was sad to watch her digging herself deeper into a hole!.
She was oblivious to start with and then realisation stopped her abruptly!.
The odds were already stacked against her though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Bobby Kennedy was assassinated and there's no getting away from that fact!.Www@QuestionHome@Com