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Position:Home>History> Medieval barbers?

Question: Medieval barbers!?
how much do they get paid!? i cant seem to find it on the internet
and how much do regular barbers get paid now a days!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Medieval 'Barbers' weren't generally important enough to have kept easily accessable surviving records in terms of how much they were payed!. But they absolutely existed!. The concept of a barber dates well into the 3000s BCE!. Barbers are mentioned by name in the bible, and throughout medieval europe barbershops were cornerstones of the gossip industry!.

Modern barbers in Canada tend to make between 10 and 20 dollars per haircut, your mileage varies widely depending on where you are!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They get paid different rates in different parts of the states and depending on whether or not they have their own shops or not and lots of other variables!.

Operations were carried out by ‘surgeons’!. In fact, these men were unskilled and had other jobs such as butchers and barbers!. The traditional red and white pole outside of a barber’s shop today is a throwback to the days in Medieval England when barbers did operations!. The red stood for blood and the white for the bandages used at the end of an operation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com