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Position:Home>History> Is it still treasonous to speak ill of the Queen (and King if there was one), an

Question: Is it still treasonous to speak ill of the Queen (and King if there was one), and is she still 'defender!.!.!.'!?
I was reading about how in Tudor times Henry VIII had a strict policy against even treasonous thoughts, and the Tower of London was used to punish and torture such 'criminals'!. I know he referred to himself as 'Supreme Head of the Church of England, Defender of the Faith, and God's chosen representative in England', and that Queen Elizabeth II still retains this same title!.

Does this title still mean something, and what are the rules regarding treason now!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Treason is now an act against the state really!. So one would have to do something against the United Kingdom rather than just speak about it!. The people of the UK are granted the same rights as most other democratic countries in the world!. As for the title, yes she is the head of the church of England, but that is as much as a show position as the monarchy itself!. The real power is in the parliament and the real power in the church goes to the bishops and whatnot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Treason refers to acts of war against the monarch, ie as the other answerer said, against the state, and giving aid and comfort to the enemy!. Defender of the faith is a purely ceremonial title - in any case, it was giver to Henry VIII for having defended a rather different faith from the one enshrined in law now!Www@QuestionHome@Com

From the looks of English Tabloids I would say NOWww@QuestionHome@Com