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Position:Home>History> What are 4 facts about 9/11?

Question: What are 4 facts about 9/11!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
first of all it sucks second shouldn't you know u should be old enough to remember!.
most children in grades 5 down don't even know what 9/11 is anymore
2 plains crashes intwo the world trade center
another into the pentagon and another in a field near the presidents camp
ground zero has recently been closed so the rebuilding of something i'm not sure what can begin
there were body parts everywhere because people were jumping out of the windows
people were calling from there cellphones from beneath the rubble
firemen and police men went to New York city from all over to help
and Osama bin ladin was not responsible for this attack he has been for others in the past but not this one we later found out it was a different Muslim radical group who planned the attack on the world trade centerWww@QuestionHome@Com

The planning of the 9/11 attacks took place over a period of years, with the conspirators moving around the USA testing security and devising the best tactics to carry out their plan!.

While various intellegence agencies had some clues and evidence of a major terrorist plot, it would have taken incredible luck and/or a centralized collection point for that information for someone to have put the facts together in time to stop the plot!. Neither happened!.

One reason the attack was successful was because until 9/11, people were conditioned to "go along" with the hijackers!. In the past, the planes would eventually land and a rescue attempt would either free hostages or kill them!. Not imagining terrorists would commit suicide using the planes themselves, the only organised resistance came from the one plane where people knew from cell phone calls that they were dead if they didn't try to fight back!.

The nation's air defenses were set up to detect and register attacks from outside US airspace!. While planes were scrambled and launched, they were not in position to make rapid intercepts!. And because of the confusion of exactly what was happening and which planes were involved (as well as where the hijacked planes were) the jets were far too late to have stopped the attacks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

3 towers collapsed!.

a major stroke of luck - a terrorist's passport miraculously survived the collapse of the twin towers in good condition for the FBI to find among the rubble

some eye witnesses displayed fantastic psychic abilities by reporting events on national media before they occurred

the greatest superpower in the history apparently had her airspace undefended, unable to shoot down enemy planes

As to the rest, I'm still sorting it out, but growing more and more suspicious!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Terrorist attack by Al Quaeda

Made all of America anti-Middle East

Made price of oil skyrocket

Made people paranoid

Made people afraid of airplanes and anyone looking slightly south/east asian

Hundreds of people died

Started a war

Planes crashed into Pentagon, twin towers, one plane headed for white house but passengers took control and landed in a field

Theres a car named 911

911 is actually the phone number for emergencies

Proved Bush is more of an idiot than any of us knewWww@QuestionHome@Com

It happened on 9/11

4 planes involved

, the BBC reported Building 7 had collapsed 20 minutes before it actually did!.

George Bush saw the 1st airplane hit the tower on TV even though the media had no video of it hitting the tower since it came as a surprise to most of us!.

An FBI agent investigating Osama Bin Laden was in one of the towers and was killed!.
The soliticor generals wife was on one of the planes and was killed!.
The official investigation became a best seller!.
It is a date that will live in infamy!Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you're old enough to manipulate a computer and access Yahoo Answers, you should be ashamed of yourself for posting this question!.
This is assuming, of course, that you already know about 100 and are just looking for more!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. it involved three planes
2!. it happened on september 11, 2001
3!. over 5000 people died!.
4!. it is the reason we are looking for osama been hidingWww@QuestionHome@Com

9/11 was a real big total threat to the american society!. It was from Osama Bin Laden because he wanted to destroy our contry for years hes also planning on destroying the white house, and sears towerWww@QuestionHome@Com

it began the war on terror
it was the first attack on american land since pearl harbor
it sunk the american economy for a while
it intensified border relations for most nationsWww@QuestionHome@Com

it happened on 9/11

thousands of people died

the world trade centers both collapsed

the pentagon was attacked

thanks for putting me over 1000 points! lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

they cancelled my elementary school for the rest of the day
we all were picked up within a half-hourWww@QuestionHome@Com

America deserved it!.

Iraq paid for it and yet played no part in it!.

Gave George an excuse to steal Iraqi oil!.

I doubt whether many Americans can remember the exact date on which it occured!.Www@QuestionHome@Com