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Position:Home>History> I need help with history,can give me reasons why nixon adopt a policy of vietnam

Question: I need help with history,can give me reasons why nixon adopt a policy of vietnamization!?, reason for first!?
student strike in US history occurs!. reason for congress repeals the tonkin gulf resolutions, reason for vietnam veteran recieve a cold homecoming!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Nixon like many thought that America should try to prevent Communism from spreding!. Nixon decided to do everything he could to help communism come to an end!. He was the first to go in hard in Vietnam and was also the first president to visit china since it turned communist!. The tonkin gulf resolutions pretty much meant that america could not attack, it required action from congress before they could!.
Im not sure about the cold homecomming, but americans didnt want the war near the end and thought the soldiers were only creating problemsWww@QuestionHome@Com

The Vietnam War was very unpopular so Nixon decided that the US needed a graceful way out!. Thank god, because I was in Korea at the time and might have been sent there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com