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Position:Home>History> Why are people always asking others to develop a thesis statement for them?

Question: Why are people always asking others to develop a thesis statement for them!?
As if random individuals on the internet are supposed to know what the person is trying to argue in their research!.

Did schools stop teaching how to write or something!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Give them a break!. Its not easy writing a thesis from scratch!.

Without a place to start or without being given a specific question to answer, its hard to think of something when the subject area is so big!.

Sometimes we all need an idea, a place to start before we begin to write what could be a major piece of writing which could either make or break a student - especially uni!.

But what pisses me off is these bloody school students that come here and ask people to answer their school questions or the dumb sons' of bitches that put questions here that could easily be found if they look it up on the internet or read a book!

And another thing that pisses me off - is that when you do answer a question, the person who you have just helped out doesnt appreciate what you have done and has written some snide comment!

This yahoo answers is great to help those that want to learn - but i bloody hate it being abused by people so stupid or lazy to try to look it up themselves!.

sorry for the rant!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They want to get some ideas to sift through or they want to check how it sounds before they spend a lot of time developing a dud idea!.

If you can't talk to your peers because they will steal your good ideas or mock your bad ones, some random people opinions on the internet would be very helpful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That's right!.Www@QuestionHome@Com