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Position:Home>History> Roaring twenties??

Question: Roaring twenties!?!?
how did the movie industry influence the twenties!?!?
and why is the twenties considered the golden age of sports!?!?
5 answers for each!? thank you!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

In 'America's Women' Gail Collins writes:

'In the movies, where performers were seen and not heard, the biggest early stars were actresses!. More than any other decade, the movies of the 20s stressed plots that appealed to women - romances and melodramas over action adventures and comedies - and many of the most succesful early screenwriters were women!. Although salary-conscious studios tried to keep their actors and actresses anonymous, the public instantly glommed on to a few familiar faces, particularly that of "the girl with the curls" Mary Pickford, who specialized in playing spunky child-hoeriones, received 500 fan letters a day by 1915!. A professional actress since her actul childhood, Pickford was a tough contract negotiator who managed to become one of the very few women to get a foothold in the production business, as a founding partner of United Artists!. But on-screen the public demanded that she remain a golden-haired girl, and she played children's roles well into ther thirties!. Her private life was slightly less tidy than her film persona, she deserted her actor husband Owen Moore for the also-married screen star Douglas Fairbanks!. After they finally divorced their respective partners and ran off to Europe to marry in 1920, Pickford looked out of her London hotel window and saw the streets crammed with "thousands and thousands" of people who had been waiting just to get a glimpse of the girl with the curls and her dashing swashbuckler of a husband!. "Come home, all is forgiven" begged Photoplay from the othr side of the Atlantic!. This was the beginning of the era of movie magazines and tabolid movie columns, when most americans went to the movies at least once a week, and ordinary women around the country would identify with the heroines they saw on the screen, striving to be perky like Pickford or dangerous like Theda Bara!.

Men and women went to the movies with equal enthusiasm, but women spent much more time reading, thinking and talking about movie stars!. Gossip, for all its destructive potential, had always been an important way for women to bond with one another,affirm their social values, express insights into human character, and experiment with new ideas about what was and was not permissible behaviour!. In a world where fewer people lived in small towns and shared mutual acquaintances, the film stars created a common national neighborhood that everyone could visit!. Mary Pickford was a whoe week's worth of coffee chat all by herself!. When she bobbed her hair in a desperate attempt to get her fans to accept her as an adult actress, the country was aghast, and things were never the same between the public and Mary again!.'Www@QuestionHome@Com

1) flapers, i dont know what it is but i remember talking about it during class

2) the rise of pro football: Red Grange brought college football fans to the NFL!. also there were a couple of boxers who became popular!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe you should try searching this on google!. I'm sure you'll find information that is more accurate that way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com