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Position:Home>History> What do the Brits think of America?

Question: What do the Brits think of America!?
Someone asked yesterday what america thought of Europe!. An answer came back that the Brits don't think as highly of America as America thinks of England!. I was just wondering if this was true!.

*BTW- you can be honest, it won't hurt my feelings!. I already know that the USA is the best so if you diss it I'm not going to run and report you!. And I ask all you other Americans to do the same!. Don't let people get under your skin just because their jealous ;)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
to be honest!. we're annoyed!. American economy is tbh!. pretty damn bad!. we all know the dollar is worth about half the pound!. however, our economies rely on each other, so when the dollar does bad!. the pound does bad (trust me if america goes into recession, well take a hit)!.

however, america also holds a portal to the future for Europe!. if we continue to go down that sugary path to obesity!. pretty soon we will all end up like you (that is a generalization, dont start whining that not all americans are obese!. i know!. but a large proportion of you are)!. so we are kind of glad your there!. you are our wake up call!. our warning of what is to come!.

also, some people still hold petty rants how americans refused to join the war in world war 2, and they wouldnt have joined, if japan hadnt 'convinced' them to join!. so they're annoyed that you werent going to aid your allies!.
(like to point out i dont believe that!. many hundreds of thousands of americans gave their lives in the call of duty!. so i dont know what they're complaining about!.)

however, in fairness america does totally kick ***!. an endless list of why america is awesome!. tbh utah is the best place in america!.

btw!. americans think highly of brits!! wow thanks!. i thought the hate was mutual!. lol :PWww@QuestionHome@Com

The British look at America as a failed experiment in democracy, and a modern Rome (a nation of soldiers, engineers, and lawyers)!. The USA is a violent, crime ridden society and a great mediocrity (massed produced education, cars, and culture)!.

You have the money, we have the thousand years of culture!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They think we're wasteful, egotistical, and ill mannered!.
Ha, we are!
They think we are obsessed with "size", like the size of our hamburgers, our super -sized drinks, our overly large vehicles, etc!.
We are!
They think we're violent, pushy, & bit over bearing!.
We are!
But there's not a huge dislike for us in the UK!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i love america im form the UK and my grandad always says america isnt as good as in seems to be and stupid yankee's, i dont understand why i never thought america is a bad country, i love itWww@QuestionHome@Com

US is ok, but i think, that england, french, norway, sweden, and the north countries, they have a better style of live!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

America is not the best!. HOME is the best, wherever that happens to be!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

!.!.!. It's kind of difficult to make sweeping generalizations like that, you know!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

dude i live in America and i;m full blooded American but i know for a fact that all of Europe hates usWww@QuestionHome@Com