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Position:Home>History> What is a Right-Winged Governent ? are they extreme such as the Nazis?

Question: What is a Right-Winged Governent !? are they extreme such as the Nazis!?
( I am trying to study for Histroy :( ) and i cant find anything on google :( :S !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The term 'right-wing' and 'left-wing' originates with the seating arrangements of the different factions at official gathering!. In recent American politics, the Republican party sits on the right in Congress and the Democrats!. Modern Republicans are considered 'conservative' and Democrats 'liberal'!. Thus in America 'right-wing' means conservative and is often tied to pro-business, anti-choice, and general conservative social policy!. However that wasn't always the case!. When the Republican party began it was a radical liberal party while the Democrats stood for maintaining the status quo, small federal government, etc!.

The terms 'right wing' and 'left wing' can mean different things in different countries!. In the USSR, the Bolsheviks were considered 'right-wing', yet the Bolsheviks are nothing like the Republican party!. I believe in France the conservatives are on the left and the liberal parties are on the right!.

Basically the term "Right Winged Government" doesn't have a 'real' definition!. A better way to describe a government is by using words like 'fiscal conservative', 'social progressive', etc!. Now based on the fact that you're trying to study for History I guessing your teacher has given you a specific definition that they're looking for!. Go back to your notes and try to find the answer, or go to your teacher and ask them!. Point out some of my arguments to make the teacher explicitly state what they are looking for, then regurgitate that back on the test!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A right wing government is considered conservative, as opposed to liberal!. In the US, the Republicans are considered right wing, while the Democrats are 'to the left'!. Extreme examples on both sides would be the Nazis (right wing) and the Soviet Union Communists (left wing)!. Neither is necessarily good or bad!. The right wing is more traditional, seeking to preserve previously instituted values, whereas the left wing seeks change!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Right-wing usually is a term used to talk about a group that holds to conservative thoughts as opposed to liberal or Communist thoughts!.

An Extreme Right-Wing group would be someone like the Nazis!. The Nazis were the opposite of Communists, so they would be considered right-wing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

extreme government control but similar to a left wing government since the government controls everything yet in right wing the people are so nationalistic as they are in left wing - look at north korea e!.g

write down right wing not right winged - right wingWww@QuestionHome@Com

Given some of the definitions above, you might want to take a look at the kind of government Great Britain had under Oliver Cromwell!.Www@QuestionHome@Com