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Position:Home>History> Have you seen the legendary movie ROOTS?

Question: Have you seen the legendary movie ROOTS!?
I watched it last year, and i still can't believe how powerful it was! the movie was so true and moving, I honestly lost track of how many times i cried during that movie!. I think every black person should watch it, as well as everyone else in america!. especially racist people!. Have you seen this movie, and what were your thoughts on it!? great job by alex haley BTW!. this movie should be shown in every U!.S!. history class!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes, that was a very good (and long, which was fine) movie! Kunta Kentae (I dont know how to spell lol) was a really cool guy!. It is very sad to see the slave ship voyages and how brutally they were treated!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes my mom bought it in VHS form a long time agoWww@QuestionHome@Com