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Position:Home>History> Can anyone help me develop a thesis statement? (Khmer Rouge)?

Question: Can anyone help me develop a thesis statement!? (Khmer Rouge)!?
I need help with my thesis statement based on
Camboda under Communist Rule (Khmer Rouge & Pol Pot)

I already handed in a pre-written thesis before, but I asked her again if it looks alright and she said I should mention how did the Khmer Rouge affect Cambodia today!.

Anyone have any ideas!? :/Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Parts of the Khmer Rouge were in government positions long after they lost power!. The UN was in Cambodia for a long time trying to promote fair elections and help reconsitute the government, but it has been very difficult!.

One way that the KR still affect the Cambodians today is land mines!. There are still many landmines that have yet to be deactivated, and thousands of Cambodians are living with missing limbs due to the land mines exploding!.Www@QuestionHome@Com